The Holy Qura'n was recited during Traweeh and Tahajjud prayers and completed by the night of 29th Ramadan,
Last Rakat and some parts of Dua video
Assalamu Alikum WAB,
Praise is due to Allah SWT, We were able to make Khatam ul-Quran at As-salam masjid this year 1436-2015.
The Holy Qura'n was recited during Traweeh and Tahajjud prayers and completed by the night of 29th Ramadan,
Last Rakat and some parts of Dua video
Last modified on Thursday, 23 July 2015 18:11
Fajr | : | Athan +20 mins |
Dhuhr | : | 12:25 |
Asr | : | 15:15 |
Maghrib | : | Athan +5 mins |
Isha'a | : | 19:15 |
Friday khutba | : | after athan |
Athsn Times:
Address: 〒739-0036 Hiroshima-ken, Higashihiroshima-shi, Saijōchō Taguchi, 2786−1 4th-5th floor イスラーム文化センター